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Peter Russell, 37, Chelsea fan, I had my Chelsea tattoo done in 1988 because I love Chelsea and at the time they got relegated so they needed to know they had the fans support. It hurt a lot. If they win the cup on Saturday that'll be more pain and expense because I'll have to have another one done. It used to be a thing, you'd have a tattoo done on Friday and then go to watch Chelsea on Saturday. I first supported Chelsea when I was six. It was Leeds v's Chelsea in the final and everyone was saying Leeds would win. My favourite colour was blue so I supported Chelsea and they won!

Ade Horton, 38, Arsenal fan, I got my Arsenal tattoo done in 1987. Everyone had football tattoos and I wanted something a bit different. I took my shirt in and asked them to copy it, shirt sponsor and all. If I'd had enough money I would have had the shirt collar and arms done as well. Just afterwards they changed their shirt sponsors!

Sandra Ditch, 39 Chelsea fan, I've been going down there for 23 years. Dad was born in Chelsea and all the boys were supporters. I came home from Germany one day and one of my brothers asked me if I wanted to go along to a game with him. That was it, I was hooked. I had my tattoo done in 1997 when we won the cup. I don't like pain so I never thought I'd have one done but then my brother got one and said they had a really nice Chelsea one. He came with me whilst I had mine done. If I ever had another tattoo I'd have an England one underneath.

Mic Corbett, 36, Chelsea fan, I had my Chelsea tattoo done in March last year. I'd always wanted a Chelsea badge but my wife wouldn't let me have it done. We called our youngest daughter Chelsea. I managed to persuade my wife that Faye would be a good middle name without her realising that her initials would be CFC. I've got all my other children's names tattooed on me so I had CFC done as well

George Georgiou, 34, Tottenham Hotspur fan, I had my Tottenham cockeral done about 4 years ago. I liked the idea of having a tattoo and wanted something that was close to my heart that I wasn't likely to change my mind about five years down the line. My wife wasn't impressed so I had her name tattooed shortly afterwards. I started supporting Tottenham as far back as I can remember. I lived outside the ground from the age of 2 until I was 11. I could hear the cheers from my house on Saturday afternoons when they were playing at home. That's what really made me become a fan

Andy Whyte, 38, Manchester United fan,I think I'm going through the male menopause! I'd been meaning to get them done for ages and just never got around to it. With the World Cup coming up and with St George's Day just been I decided to get them done today. They'll never go out of fashion. I wanted my legs done because I've already got the top of my arms done and I thought it'd add a bit of colour to them. I'm from Manchester and have always supported United

© Rachel Palmer 2002